World of Pizza in L&uum;neburg

If you are looking for a delicious pizza in L&uum;neburg, you should definitely try the World of Pizza. This pizza delivery service offers you a diverse selection of pizzas, burgers, pasta, salads, wraps, finger food and desserts, which you can conveniently order online and have delivered to your home. The World of Pizza was founded in Potsdam in 1998 and has grown steadily since then. Today there are over 30 branches throughout Germany, including one in Lüneburg.

Tel: 041317098070

The World of Pizza in Lüneburg is located at Vor dem Bardowicker Tore 8, 21339 Lüneburg. You can order there from Monday to Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Delivery is quick and reliable. You can also pay online, for example with PayPal, credit card or instant bank transfer. Or you can simply pay cash upon delivery.

What makes World of Pizza so special? On the one hand, it is the quality of the ingredients. Many products come from our own factory, where they are made according to World of Pizza recipes from preferably regional products. So you get the unparalleled WOP taste that you won't find anywhere else. On the other hand, it is the diversity of the offering. You can choose from over 40 different pizzas, from classic to exotic. Or you can put together your own pizza. The burgers are also a delight. They are made from fresh beef or chicken breast and topped with crisp lettuce, tomatoes, onions and delicious sauces. The pasta is cooked al dente and served with various sauces. The salads are fresh and colorful, the wraps are juicy and spicy, the finger food is crispy and spicy and the desserts are sweet. and creamy.

If you want to really save money, you should take a look at the offers at World of Pizza. For example, there is the lunch break, where you can order a pizza or a burger from Monday to Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or the Wednesday jumbo, where you can order a jumbo pizza every Wednesday. Or the burger menus, where you get a burger with fries or wedges and a drink.

So you see, the World of Pizza in Lüneburg is a great address for everyone Pizza lovers and everyone who wants to eat well and cheaply. Try it out and order from World of Pizza in Lüneburg today. You won't regret it!

WORLD OF PIZZA delivery service in L&uum;neburg (

WORLD OF PIZZA In front of the Bardowicker Gate - delivery service |

