Ristorante Pizzeria Pomodoro in Vechta

If you are in the mood for authentic Italian cuisine, then the Ristorante Pizzeria Pomodoro in Vechta is a good address for you. The restaurant is located at Mühlenstraße 7, just a few minutes' walk from the city center. Here you can enjoy various specialties from southern Europe, such as pizza, pasta, salads, meat and fish dishes, in a cozy atmosphere.

Tel: 04441851651

The Ristorante Pizzeria Pomodoro offers you a varied menu with fresh ingredients and homemade sauces. The pizza is baked in a stone oven and has a crispy dough and a juicy topping. The pasta is cooked al dente and served with various sauces, such as bolognese, carbonara or gorgonzola. The salads are crisp and colorful and served with a delicious dressing. The meat and fish dishes are tender and aromatic and are served with side dishes such as fries, rice or vegetables.

Ristorante Pizzeria Pomodoro is open from Monday to Sunday, with opening hours varying depending on the day of the week. You can reach the restaurant by phone on 04441 851651 or reserve a table online. The restaurant has space for up to 80 people and is also suitable for celebrations and events. The prices are moderate and range between 11 and 21 euros per person.


Unfortunately, the Ristorante Pizzeria Pomodoro has not only received positive reviews. Some guests have complained about the service, hygiene or quality of the food. The restaurant only received 1.5 out of 5 stars on Tripadvisor and only 3.7 out of 5 on Restaurantguru. So it seems that Ristorante Pizzeria Pomodoro still has room for improvement to meet customer expectations.

The Ristorante Pizzeria Pomodoro is an Italian restaurant in Vechta that offers you a selection of pizza, pasta, salads, meat and fish dishes. The restaurant has a cozy atmosphere, a varied menu and moderate prices. However, the restaurant has also received some negative reviews pointing to issues with service, hygiene or food quality. So if you want to visit the Ristorante Pizzeria Pomodoro, you should inform yourself beforehand or make your own experiences.

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