Pizzeria New York Pizza in Shenzhen

The pizzeria New York Pizza in Shenzhen is a popular address for those who want to enjoy authentic American pizza. The restaurant offers a wide selection of pizza types, from classic margheritas and pepperonis to exotic creations such as Hawaiian or Thai chicken. The pizzas are baked in a stone oven and have a crispy, thin dough and a juicy topping. The portions are generous and enough for two people or for one person who is very hungry.

The restaurant has a modern and cozy atmosphere reminiscent of the New York skyline. The walls are decorated with photos of famous city landmarks, and the tables are decorated with red and white. covered with checkered tablecloths. The service is friendly and attentive, and orders are served quickly. The restaurant also offers a delivery service that delivers pizza within 30 minutes. and brings it home fresh.

New York Pizza pizzeria in Shenzhen is an ideal place for anyone looking for a delicious and inexpensive meal. Whether for lunch, dinner or as a snack in between, you can always find a pizza to suit your taste here. The restaurant is open daily from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and is located near Futian subway station.

